Please welcome a new artist into the Neurot family: Janaka Stucky!

Photo Credit: Adrianne Mathiowetz

Please welcome a new artist into the Neurot family: Janaka Stucky!

Janaka Stucky is a poet, performer, and author of two poetry collections published by Third Man Books & Records. Janaka’s poems are at once incantatory, mystic, and epigrammatic. His esoteric & occult influences, combined with a mesmeric approach to performance, create an almost ecstatic presence on stage. Of his live shows, VICE writes, “Janaka Stucky performs poetry readings like he's part fire-and-brimstone preacher, part doom-metal frontman … For him, lighting incense, dropping acid, and creating some of the most ecstatic lines of verse you’ve ever read is just another day at the office.”

We’ll be releasing a live album of Janaka performing in Seattle with cellist, and long-time Neurot friend, Lori Goldston. To celebrate the release of this record, and a 2023 tour sponsored by Atlas Obscura, we’re partnering with Janaka on a Kickstarter campaign. The record will happen no matter what, but this Kickstarter is an opportunity for us to celebrate its release in a very special way by creating all sorts of exclusive items like art prints, colored vinyl, digital downloads, ritual candles, and special VIP access to a new round of live performances around the country that Janaka is planning with Atlas Obscura in 2023!

Anyone even remotely interested in this occult and esoteric release can click "notify me on launch" on the Kickstarter page HERE for access to limited rewards and discounts during the project’s first 48 hours.

Neurot Recordings